
Jeg har en musikkinteressert familie. Min far spilte trekkspill i sin ungdom, og på min mors side var min bestefar oppslukt av klassisk musikk. Da jeg var 12, kjøpte foreldrene mine et piano til meg og jeg begynte å ta pianotimer. Hver mandag gikk jeg til min pianolærer, Steinar Eia, i Egersund. Jeg lærte meg etter hvert å verdsette pianomusikk, og savnet etter pianoet var stort da jeg flyttet hjemmefra for å studere i Bergen i 1980. Det tok 36 år før jeg lot fingrene gli over tangentene igjen. Det var i 2016 at jeg så et el-piano i en musikkforretning og innså at det ville passe fint i vår leilighet. Jeg kunne jo plugge inn øretelefoner og dessuten justere volumet for ikke å forstyrre naboer. Jeg fant frem mine gamle pianonoter igjen, og her er en julesang som jeg spilte for mange herrens år siden. Så gøy å kunne spille igjen!

My family is very interested in music. My father played accordion in his youth, and my grandfather on my mother’s side was fascinated by classical music. When I was 12, my parents bought me a piano and I started taking piano lessons. I went to my piano teacher, Steinar Eia, every Monday in my home town Egersund. I learned to appreciated piano music, and the longing for the piano was strong as I moved away from home to study in Bergen in 1980. It took 36 years before I touched a keyboard again. It was in 2016 that I saw an electric piano in a music store and realized that it would fit well in our apparment. I could plug in ear phones and also adjust the volume so that I wouldn’t disturb the neighbors. I looked up my old piano scores again and here is a Christmas carol that I played in my youth. How fun it is to play the piano again!

© Hall Skåra 2011